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Big Freeze: Glasgow University goes viral with hit Christmas Mannequin Challenge

University staff and students make film that gets thousands of views on social media.

It is the internet craze that has been travelling the virtual world.

Now a team of students and academics at the University of Glasgow has taken the 'mannequin challenge' genre to a new level.

In the process, the university has scored a major social media hit recording more than 130,000 Facebook views.

Filmed on the Gilmorehill campus, the three-minute feature stars an enthusiastic group of students and staff along with the Glasgow University Sports Association mascot Gus.

The route started at the Hunterian museum and covered the quads, the cloisters, the Adam Smith staircase and ended outside the Principal's office.

All were quite literally frozen to the spot while taking part in various festivities.

Around 40 students and staff took part, including those in the video and volunteers helping with filming and crowd control.

The video took a lot of planning from recruiting volunteer mannequins, to securing props and locations but the video was shot within an hour.

A university spokesperson said: "As our campus is open to the public and nearly always busy the hardest part was stopping passersby accidently walking into shot.

"Luckily we managed to film successfully on the fourth take and all the students who took part were brilliant sports."


Watch: See the staff and students play out their version of mannequin challenge.

The Student TV group – GUST – filmed some behind the scenes footage - http://ow.ly/mHEB3074M5g

It is already the university's most-watched Christmas video with more than 135K views and 1K shares.

The spokesperson added: “It was great to have the opportunity to bring together so many staff and students from all areas of the University to take part in this festive video.

"It has been a brilliant year at UofG and we are happy to be able to top it off with this fun video which so many people seem to be enjoying.”

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